Wednesday, January 30, 2013

No Progress

We are maintaining but not trying very hard either. Dealing with sick kids, busy work schedule has meant I've slipped into a lot of old bad habits. Must try harder.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Five Pounds Down

Yes a spectacular start. 5lbs lost in the first week (and it's not over yet) without really trying. No gym yet, just cutting back on snacks, no booze or fizzy pop, nice healthy meals.

No chance doing photographs yet but soon.

Nice: Kedgeree; Home made lamb kebabs.
Naughty: Cream Egg

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

New Year, New Beginning.

Hogmany, in the midst of our revelry Jane & I set target for weight loss this year. We are both "plus size", in fact I reckon I've put on over 5 stone over the last 8 years.

I am aiming at a 4 stone loss this year (that's 56lbs to you Yanks out there or 25.4kg for our metric cousins). Jane will go for 6 stone, good on her. Obviously if I breach the four I'll try and take off more and if I am honest I need to get about 7 stone off. I'll be cutting back in fats, eating more fresh fruit and vegetables but most importantly, no more snacks, crisps, chocolate and sugary carbonated drinks. I've been a good boy today, a little bit of hot smoked salmon, low fat cottage cheese & matzo. Tonight I will be having home made cottage pie for dinner. I know I have the will power, I stopped cigarettes cold turkey nearly 5 years ago, I've given up chocolate for Lent most every year for the last 6 and back in 1989 I gave up alcohol completely for over 6 months.

Next part of the target is fitness.  I used to do an Army Basic Fitness Test which was 3 miles; 1.5 miles in 15 minutes followed by the next 1.5 in less than 10.5 minutes. So there's a target to aim for. I think 5km in 22 minutes seems fair. Part of the reason I'm going to focus on fitness rather than diet is that weight appears to just slough off me when I stay physically active. This means joining the local gym in the village, possibly going for some walk/runs down the riverside. I might struggle a bit getting started with this.

I weighed in today. 19 stone, 5lb (271lb or 123kg). Pretty horrendous, eh? I may put up some scary pictures tomorrow.